  • Cheeses You Shouldn’t Miss at the Big Cheese Festival

    ​Jungle Jim’s Big Cheese Festival is a whirlwind weekend devoted to all things cheese. Starting with our selection of over 1,400 varieties from the Jungle Jim’s Cheese Shop, and branching out to all the olives, meats and appetizers we can gather, we’re paying tribute to one of our favorite foods! Do you know the difference between fresh and aged cheeses? Ever wanted to know what to pair with your favorite wine or appetizer? Thanks to the knowledge and expertise of our awesome Jungle Jim’s Cheese Shop and our wide variety and unbeatable selection, Read article
  • Thank You For Joining Us at 2017’s New Year, New You!

    New Year, New You is all about improving yourself now, and in the years to come. The day was full of fantastic ideas on how to kickstart your journey to becoming a better you in the new year. Mercy Health – Fairfield Hospital professionals provided an array of free health screenings, including blood sugar, cholesterol, blood pressure and lung capacity to name just a few, and there were plenty of great vendors with ideas on how to improve your diet in the new year. Read article
  • 10 Barrel Aged Beers You Should Try at BABB

    What is Barrel Aged Beer? Funny you should ask! We just covered that very subject in our “Art of the Barrel” piece, so if you want to a quick rundown of just what exactly barrel aging is, check it out! We’ll wait.

    Got it? Awesome. 

    Now that you’re in the know, let’s talk about a few of the incredible barrel aged beers we’ll have to sample (and, well, we’re going to have over 100 this year,

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  • Less Than a Month Away, Barrel Aged Beer Bash Is a BIG Deal

    Taking the essence of heady drinks gone by, barrel aged beers are given new life when they’re aged in bourbon, tequila and rum oak barrels. Our Barrel Aged Beer Bash is a celebration of the surprises, deep flavor and intensity of this awesome, transformative process. A full night of imbibing rare, impossible to find and truly special beer, this one is for those as patient as we are. Especially when it comes to something so revered as beer. Read article
  • Let’s Talk Hot Sauce – This Year’s Weekend of Fire X Best Specialties, That Is…

    ​We’re still cooling off after this year’s 10th Anniversary Weekend of Fire, but we want to make sure that those of you who attended, and anyone who didn’t get a chance to check things out, can still get your hands on the best of the best (as voted by WOFX attendees). This week, we’re going to highlight the top 3 Specialties!

    It’s almost time for non-stop holiday parties and celebrations, so we think bringing any one of these award-winning specialties along with you is going to kick things up a notch (and make you the hit of the party,

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  • Let’s Talk Hot Sauce – This Year’s Weekend of Fire X Best Hot Sauces, That Is…

    ​We’re still cooling off after this year’s 10th Anniversary Weekend of Fire, but we want to make sure that those of you who attended, and anyone who didn’t get a chance to check things out, can still get your hands on the best of the best (as voted by WOFX attendees). This week, we’re going to highlight the top 3 Hot Sauces!

    It’s almost time for non-stop holiday parties and celebrations, so we think bringing any one of these award-winning salsas along with you is going to kick things up a notch (and make you the hit of the party,

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  • Let’s Talk BBQ Sauce – This Year’s Weekend of Fire X Best BBQ Sauces, That Is…

    ​We’re still cooling off after this year’s 10th Anniversary Weekend of Fire, but we want to make sure that those of you who attended, and anyone who didn’t get a chance to check things out, can still get your hands on the best of the best (as voted by WOFX attendees). This week, we’re going to highlight the top 3 BBQ Sauces!

    It’s almost time for non-stop holiday parties and celebrations, so we think bringing any one of these award-winning salsas along with you is going to kick things up a notch (and make you the hit of the party,

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  • Thank You For Joining Us At The Jungle Jim’s International Wine Festival 2016!

    Another Jungle Jim’s International Wine Festival is in the books and we thank everyone who attended this year, making it a wonderful event once again.  We were able to highlight incredible wines both regionally and from around the country and moreover, the world.  

    We strive every day to bring you the most exciting wines from around the world, and our International Wine Festival is the culmination of that vision.  Our Director of Wine and Beer Operations Ed Vinson and his experienced team at both Fairfield and Eastgate locations worked hard to bring you another superior event and have already begun to work on next year’s show.

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  • Bigger. Cheesier. Fest…ier. Announcing 2017’s Jungle Jim’s Big Cheese Festival, Presented by the Jungle Jim’s Cheese Shop!

    2017’s Jungle Jim’s Big Cheese Festival is going to be a big deal this February. Join fellow queso connoisseurs and fromage fanatics at Jungle Jim’s in Fairfield, where the Oscar Event Center will open its doors to fulfill some of your wildest, cheesiest dreams. Everything you loved about our past Big Cheese festivals will be on display, but we’re not just going to hit repeat. Expect things to be bigger, bolder, and tastier than ever as we take you on a tour around the wide, Read article
  • Ready for a Fresh Start? Join Us for New Year, New You!

    It’s time to celebrate the New Year – but with a twist! We’ve teamed up with Mercy Hospital Fairfield to provide more ways you can be aware of your health in 2017. Free to the public, New Year, New You is your chance to see what’s new in the world of health and wellness!

    World-class health industry professionals from Mercy Hospital Fairfield and food industry specialists will be ready to answer questions and provide new,

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