Bigger. Cheesier. Fest…ier. Announcing 2017’s Jungle Jim’s Big Cheese Festival, Presented by the Jungle Jim’s Cheese Shop!
Back to feed- Posted: 11/22/2016
- Categories: Discoveries at the Jungle
Jungle Jim’s Big Cheese Festival is a whirlwind weekend devoted to all things cheese. Starting with our selection of over 1,400 varieties from the Jungle Jim’s Cheese Shop, and branching out to all the olives, meats, and appetizers we can gather, we’re paying tribute to one of our favorite foods! Do you know the difference between fresh and aged cheeses? Ever wanted to know what to pair with your favorite wine or appetizer? Thanks to the knowledge and expertise of our awesome Jungle Jim’s Cheese Shop and our wide variety and unbeatable selection, this festival is your chance to take your love of cheese to new heights!
We’ll have family friendly activities throughout both days at the festival, and beer and wine will be available for those 21 and over. There’s a lot to sample, a lot to share and a whole lot more where that came from.
Nothing goes better with cheese than the right beer or glass of wine – their flavors are enhanced when they’re paired together. Be on the lookout for multiple stations throughout the festival, all placed by region – we want finding the perfect pair to be easy as possible. Wine and beer will be available for purchase at the event by the glass, as part of our new VIP ticket that also allows for entry one hour earlier than General Admission tickets, as well as with our special wristband available the weekend of the fest!
Tickets are available online at junglefests.com, and in-store at the Customer Service Desks at each Jungle Jim’s location, with VIP, General Admission and Child’s tickets ready to go! Fun, affordable and a little funky (not unlike some cheeses on display), there are a lot of reasons Jungle Jim’s Big Cheese Festival is the Cheesiest Fest in the Midwest!
Check out our Event Page and purchase tickets here, and don’t forget to RSVP and share!
SATURDAY TICKETS ARE SOLD OUT! But, Sunday tickets are still available online at junglefests.com and in-store at the Customer Service Desks at each Jungle Jim’s location, with VIP, General Admission and Child’s tickets ready to go! Fun, affordable and a little funky (not unlike some of the cheeses on display), there are a lot of reasons Jungle Jim’s Big Cheese Festival is the Cheesiest Fest in the Midwest!