Revisit Past WOFi Winners as We Prepare to Celebrate Weekend of Fire X!
Back to feed- Posted: 8/2/2016
- Categories: Discoveries at the Jungle
Papi Joe’s Tennessee Pepper Sauce – A regular winner at Weekend of Fire, Papi Joe’s booth is almost as much of a highlight of the show as his sauces are. Not quite 10 years old yet, he’s still been a part of the Weekend of Fire for a while, and we’re excited to have him back this year! His unique bottle and authentic flavors make his product a can’t miss all year ‘round.
Scotty O’Hotty – Only 5 years old, Scotty O’Hotty – “The Motor City Hot Sauce” – has been making waves throughout the hot sauce world with intense flavor and lots of personality. Last year, his Beer-Bacon Chipotle garnered a WOFi and helped to cement his place as not just a name to watch, but one to share.
CaJohn’s Fiery Foods – If there’s a name that’s synonymous with “hot sauce,” you’d be hard pressed to think of anyone who’s had as much of an influence as CaJohn. He’s been a big supporter of our Weekend of Fire, and one of the very, very few that has been part of the festival from the start. We’re excited to partner with him this year on a special collaborative hot sauce for Weekend of Fire’s 10th anniversary, and can’t wait to share it with everyone.
If you can’t tell, we’re excited for Weekend of Fire and hope that if you haven’t been to the show, you’ll join us this year. We promise, you won’t want to miss it. In the meantime, check out the names we mentioned above (and any others that strike your interest – there’s a lot of them).
Don M.
Jungle Jim’s “Pepperologist”