Message from the Director
Dear Friends of the Cooking School,
We’re back! And so excited to begin offering in-person classes again at The Cooking School in Jungle Jim’s at the Fairfield location.
We have used our time off to make some changes in the school and with our classroom experience.
Class size is smaller. We added three new hands-on workstations, and you will now work in groups of two people instead of four. The total number of students in hands-on classes will now be 10-12. Each group of two prepares the entire menu.
The tables in the center of the school have been replaced with Jungle’s mom’s dining room and kitchen tables and chairs. Hands-on participants will be welcome to sit at the tables and enjoy the food they have prepared in class.
Demonstration classes will be limited to 12 people sitting at the counter. Wine tastings will be a combination of counter and table seats.
The schedule of classes will now be available online only. Registration can be completed online or by calling the school at 513-674-6059. Gift certificates must be redeemed by calling the school.
Planning has begun for the 2022 annual trips to Tuscany and Emilia-Romagna. Watch the website for more information. We hope to begin registration in November or December.
A special thanks to those who supported us by participating in virtual classes for the last year. It was nice to connect with both new and familiar faces while preparing a nice meal.
We’re looking forward to Fall classes and hope to see you back at the cooking school soon! Contact us anytime with questions.
Bon Appétit!
Leigh Barnhart Ochs – Cooking School Director
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Cooking School Gift Certificates

Give the gift of a cooking class to your favorite foodie!
Can be purchased for $50, $75, $100, or $175. Does not expire and can be purchased online only. Cooking School gift certificates are not redeemable for cash or merchandise. Classes only.
Cooking School Cookbook

Give them a copy of the 15th Anniversary Cooking School Cookbook. A compilation of recipes from the school’s past and current instructors.