  • Beer Department: Get to know Brettanomyces

    ​Most beer is fermented by yeast of the genus Saccharomyces, mostly of the species cerevisiae. There are thousands of strains of saccharomyces cerevisiae, many of them unique to specific breweries. All of these strains occur at a subspecies level; thus, various strains can be crossbred to create new strains that have desirable traits or that produce desired flavors and aromas in the finished beer. Many beers are defined by their yeast, whether it be the trademark banana and clove flavors of German hefeweizen or the black pepper and lemon notes in Saison. Read article
  • Are You Ready for the Longest Running Beer Fest in Cincinnati?

    ​Now entering it’s 12th year, the Jungle Jim’s International Craft Beer Festival remains the highlight of our increasingly busy festival calendar. Filled with incredible craft beer from around the world and featuring over 400 beers from more than 100 breweries, it’s a festival that celebrates what we do inside the Jungle Jim’s Beer Department every day. It’s big, fun and

    From local microbreweries to names known the world over, the International Craft Beer Festival is our way to say thank you to the craft beer community,

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  • Beer Department: An Introduction to Trappist Beers

    Trappist beer has a long history in Europe. Beer produced by monks has been treasured in Europe for centuries although the monks traditionally never sold the beer commercially. It wasn’t until the late 19th century that the monks began selling their prized beer outside of the monastery as a means of supporting themselves. Because their operating costs are low and they operate nonprofit, monks have been able to afford finer ingredients that yield a superior product. Read article
  • Beer Department: Beyond The Barrel

    I stopped by Listermann’s and shared a pint with Jason Brewer, the GM since 2012, and Jared Lewinski, head brewer since August 2016. What followed was a great conversation with these awesome guys about all things Listermann/Triple Digit.
    The first thing to come up was the Bourbon Barrel Aged Chickow!, which took Best in Show and a gold medal in specialty/experimental beers at FOBAB (Festival of Barrel Aged Beers). Over 400 beers were entered into FOBAB but our local guys barreled over the competition. Read article
  • Beer Department: Double IPAs

    ​As 2017 dawns, we can all look forward to a litany of highly regarded Double IPAs hitting the shelves in the next couple months, so I thought it pertinent to give a quick refresher on what a double IPA actually is. Largely an American invention, DIPAs grew out of a uniquely American desire to further expand the definition of IPAs beyond their original, relatively tame English forebears. American style IPAs opened the door to Double IPAs (sometimes called Imperial IPAs). Read article
  • 10 Barrel Aged Beers You Should Try at BABB

    What is Barrel Aged Beer? Funny you should ask! We just covered that very subject in our “Art of the Barrel” piece, so if you want to a quick rundown of just what exactly barrel aging is, check it out! We’ll wait.

    Got it? Awesome. 

    Now that you’re in the know, let’s talk about a few of the incredible barrel aged beers we’ll have to sample (and, well, we’re going to have over 100 this year,

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  • The Art of the Barrel: Beer at its Finest

    ​Jungle Jim’s Barrel Aged Beer Bash is fast approaching, so we wanted to take some time to talk what really goes into the art of barrel aging beer. 

    What exactly does it mean to “barrel age” a beer? 

    New barrels are used to age whiskey, bourbon, tequila, wine, rum and other spirits. Typically the barrels are only used to age these spirits once, or only a few times, depending on distilling practices and state laws.

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  • Brew Crew & Wine Passport – We’re Ready for 2017

    Jungle Jim’s International Market might be your go-to destination for a wide variety of foods from around the world, but did you know we house some of the largest beer and wine selections in the region? Our award winning Beer & Wine Department is so full of awesome products, we decided that sending out a monthly set of newsletters was one of the best ways we could let everyone know what we’re excited about! Read article
  • The Cincy Brewcast Visits Jungle Jim’s

    ​​Let’s Talk Craft Beer…

    ​The Voice of Cincy Craft Beer, hosted by Cincy Craft Beer connoisseur and champion – @TheGnarlyGnome – visited us at the Tasting Bar last week to discuss what makes a grocery store growler and tasting bar so special, as well our upcoming Barrel Aged Beer Bash. So sit back and relax while The Gnarly Gnome and part of the @JunglesBeerGuy team talk about all things craft beer and Jungle Jim’s! 

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  • Less Than a Month Away, Barrel Aged Beer Bash Is a BIG Deal

    Taking the essence of heady drinks gone by, barrel aged beers are given new life when they’re aged in bourbon, tequila and rum oak barrels. Our Barrel Aged Beer Bash is a celebration of the surprises, deep flavor and intensity of this awesome, transformative process. A full night of imbibing rare, impossible to find and truly special beer, this one is for those as patient as we are. Especially when it comes to something so revered as beer. Read article
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