  • Lost In Germany (Slight Return)

    • Posted: 7/31/2017
    • Categories: Wine

    Not long ago, we were visited by our regional rep for Robert Weil, an incredible winery from the Rheingau in Germany.  I’ve been a big fan of these wines for a long time, and it was good to see where they are now, now being represented by Loosen Bros. in the U.S.

    I’ve been a fan of Robert Weil for some time.  So long I honestly can’t remember just how long it’s been.

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  • Why I Get Up In The Morning

    • Posted: 7/29/2017
    • Categories: Wine

    ​There are days, like most of us face, you know the ones – mundane, tedious, monotonous days that won’t seem to end, those staring-at-the-clock-as-if-the-hands-of-Time-have-swallowed-some-powerful-paralytic-and-each-nanosecond-has-become-an-eternity-of-its-own moments, and the day at work becomes a millennium of elongated repetition of meetings, orders and dumpster fires. Fortunately, I am oft-reminded of how good I have it here at JJ’s Eastgate every time someone comes in with Champagne.

    Recently, we got a visit from Aurelie “Lily” Baetche from Dourthe USA,

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  • I’ll Take Wine Producers That Sound Like Eighties Metal Songs For A Hundred, Alex…

    • Posted: 7/22/2017
    • Categories: Wine

    Recently, we tried some wines from the Paso Robles region in California – the Rabble Wine Company’s Tooth and Nail and the rather-rigidly named Law Estates.  Paso tends to get a bad rap, and I can’t explain why.  Maybe being in the shadow of Napa and Sonoma, it gets a bit lost, but that doesn’t for one minute mean anything other than a lax in marketing.  There are amazing wines to be had that bear the Paso Robles AVA on the label.

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  • But Sometimes You Get What You Need

    • Posted: 7/21/2017
    • Categories: Wine

    ​Lodi often gets a bad rap.  The workhorse of the California wine industry – which makes up a large portion of the Central Valley – Lodi is responsible for the lion’s share of wine production in the state.  (All-in-all, the Central Valley makes up 75% of total wine production in California).  Lodi wines can be a bit-too-much baked fruit, that kind of pie filling style that is sweet, jammy and over-the-top ripeness that’s very consumer-friendly but at times, Read article
  • The Colour And The Shape

    • Posted: 7/16/2017
    • Categories: Wine

    Sometimes, the planets align and everything falls into place.  In this job, on certain days, a rep will amble into your store, and bring you a lineup of wines that just says, “Have a nice day, my friend.”  Such it was when we got a visit from the Spire Collection, the wines the Jackson Family represents that are the all-star team of California wines.

    Nestled in the cellar, with rest of the Four Horsemen of wine (JJ’s Beer &

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  • Wine Department: The Less Familiar Wines of the Jura, Savoie and French Southwest

    • Posted: 7/1/2017
    • Categories: Wine
    by Kevin Keith

    Leave it to me to try to weave a thread between three wine regions of France that have not very much in common other than being French wine regions. But I am up for the challenge, as all three of these places are more than worthy of your attention, and offer things you may or may not have experienced in your journeys throughout the wine world. The Jura, Savoie and the French Southwest. Read article
  • That Time I Spelled Frog In A Spelling Bee, F-O-R-G…

    • Posted: 6/26/2017
    • Categories: Wine

    ​Recently, Todd and I got to revisit the wines of Frog’s Leap with our good friend and Vintner Select rep Lauren Wiethe.  The wines of Frog’s Leap have been around awhile.  Beginning in 1981, the wild ride of life that is John Williams begins in Napa Valley.  This solar-powered winery has been turning out consistently great wines over 30 years, and sometimes, as a retailer you forget about wines that are just always good.

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  • Grand Cru X 2

    • Posted: 6/19/2017
    • Categories: Wine

    French wine.  Someone had asked me about a particular wine, and the note they gave, albeit rife with misspellings, I knew right away what it was.  And I found myself, as I am prone to do, in giving a kind-of mini-lecture on the subject.  I feel sometimes like I can sound a bit William Shatner, although a more slightly inebriated and hallucinating version of the actor, delivering my minilecture as if recreating a scene from Mr. Read article
  • It’s A Dirty Job (But I’m Glad It’s Me Doing It)

    • Posted: 6/18/2017
    • Categories: Wine

    The world of wine, or at least this little corner of it, works at a breakneck pace at times, and others, well let’s just say you can get a lot done in the time it takes to draw a breath.  Around here at Jungle Jim’s however, it’s usually the former.  I don’t realize what day it is half the time it whizzes by so fast sometimes around here, but how hard can it really be to work in the wine business, Read article
  • Wine Department: The Signature Grapes of South America

    • Posted: 6/16/2017
    • Categories: Wine
    by Kevin Keith

    You would think that the majority of South America’s grapes would be primarily of Spanish (or Portuguese) origin, yet like much of the world, the grapes thought of to be more French in affiliation dominate the wine regions of South America. The countries of Argentina, Chile and Uruguay have even laid claim to certain French grape varieties as their “signature,” or defining grapes. Argentina has Malbec, a Bordeaux grape that isn’t grown much at all in Bordeaux anymore but in the Southwest French region of Cahors (though it is also grown here in the U.S.

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