C’est Découvrir la France
Back to feed- Posted: 2/28/2020
- Categories: Discoveries at the Jungle, International

French food is renowned around the globe for the care and attention spent preparing, and consuming, each meal.
In France, mealtimes are never spent hurriedly eating a granola bar at your desk or snacking in front of a television. Instead, French meals are always eaten at the table, often consist of multiple courses, and are spent with family and friends. This philosophy is so important to French culture that most schools and offices take at least an hour, if not two, for lunch every day! That way, employees and students have time to relax, take time to be thoughtful about their eating habits, and recharge before the rest of the day. This practice carries into dinnertime as well, with most French eating dinner at 7:30 PM or 8:00 PM and taking anywhere from one to two hours to slowly enjoy the meal and to talk about their day with family.
As for what’s on the menu, you’ll find that French meals rarely include processed foods and instead rely on fresh vegetables and fruits, cheeses, yogurts, small portions of meat, and bread or croissants. These foods are typically served in multiple courses, which discourages overeating and reinforces the practice of eating slowly.
Here is an example of a French-style meal that we think are totally doable in an American lifestyle! Take all, or just a few, of these suggestions to help you get started, then get ready to experience a French-style meal!
Le Dîner
Entrée or Hors d’oeuvre (starter):
French Egg Drop Soup
served with a baguette or croissants from the Bakery.
Plat principal (main course):
Selections of cheese from the Cheese Shop. Make sure to include a variety of soft and hard cheeses!
Check the International Department for French tarts, candies, cakes, and cookies! You can also visit our Bakery for macarons or eclairs. Or, keep it simple and serve sliced fruits and dark chocolate.
This month, take some time to eat like the French! Invite some friends and family over for dinner and plan on serving a few courses with time in between for conversation. And don’t worry about making it fancy! Plan to make one or two dishes, like Chicken Moutarde and Ratatouille, with a simple starter and an easy cheese or dessert course. You don’t have to follow the French exactly, so feel free to mix it up! The most important thing is to take time to enjoy your food, to socialize with friends and family, and to relax!