Salt liberally on both sides using Sal Grosso or another Brasilian seasoning salt.
This cut of meat is known for its characteristic layer of fat. To prevent flare-ups, we recomment searing picanha on a hot grill, then finishing in an oven at 400°F.
Once the picanha has been cooked to your preference, let cool for 5 minutes before slicing.
Prepare beans and rice.
Once beans, rice, and picanha have been plated, drizzle with Pimenta Malaguesta hot pepper vinegar and top with farofa, seasoned toasted cassava flour. The farofa adds texture and a mild flavor, while the hot pepper vinegar will increase the spiciness.
To make pre-made frozen pão de queijo, simply follow the instructions on the package. Within 20-30 minutes, your friends and family will be enjoying this classic Brasilian snack!
To make from the dry mix, follow the instructions on the package and add your desired type of cheese. We recommend regular or spicy cheddar!
Enjoy pão de queijo with picanha or with coffee for a savory afternoon snack!
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