  • Brew Crew & Wine Passport – We’re Ready for 2017

    Jungle Jim’s International Market might be your go-to destination for a wide variety of foods from around the world, but did you know we house some of the largest beer and wine selections in the region? Our award winning Beer & Wine Department is so full of awesome products, we decided that sending out a monthly set of newsletters was one of the best ways we could let everyone know what we’re excited about! Read article
  • The Cincy Brewcast Visits Jungle Jim’s

    ​​Let’s Talk Craft Beer…

    ​The Voice of Cincy Craft Beer, hosted by Cincy Craft Beer connoisseur and champion – @TheGnarlyGnome – visited us at the Tasting Bar last week to discuss what makes a grocery store growler and tasting bar so special, as well our upcoming Barrel Aged Beer Bash. So sit back and relax while The Gnarly Gnome and part of the @JunglesBeerGuy team talk about all things craft beer and Jungle Jim’s! 

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  • Less Than a Month Away, Barrel Aged Beer Bash Is a BIG Deal

    Taking the essence of heady drinks gone by, barrel aged beers are given new life when they’re aged in bourbon, tequila and rum oak barrels. Our Barrel Aged Beer Bash is a celebration of the surprises, deep flavor and intensity of this awesome, transformative process. A full night of imbibing rare, impossible to find and truly special beer, this one is for those as patient as we are. Especially when it comes to something so revered as beer. Read article
  • Holidays at the Jungle – Ferdinand Recommends: Holiday Beers

    Want to know what our Fairfield Cicerone Certified Beer Guy recommends for this time of year? Check out the short video above, then stop in and see him and the rest of the crew for more awesome recommendations!
    And don’t forget you can get recommendations like this sent directly to your inbox by signing up for our Brew Crew Crewsletter at! Read article
  • Holidays at the Jungle – Eric Recommends: Holiday Beers

    Want to know what our Eastgate Beer Buyer recommends for this time of year? Check out the short video below, then stop in and see him and the rest of the crew for more awesome recommendations!
    And don’t forget you can get recommendations like this sent directly to your inbox by signing up for our Brew Crew Crewsletter at!
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  • Beer Department: Beer for the Holidays

    The gradual approach of the holiday season is cause for plenty of stress, not least of which is the stress about what to drink. Whether attempting to be a gracious guest or an accommodating host, the prospect of selecting the very best libations can be daunting. The challenge is made all the harder if you’re trying to pair your selections with the litany of foods on a holiday table. I’m here to try to de-mystify and streamline your holiday beer choices so you can wow your friends and family with classy, Read article
  • Pint Night? What’s That?

    ​Come along with us as we welcome 3 Floyds Brewing Co. to Jungle Jim’s International Market Fairfield for a special pre-Thanksgiving Pint Night.


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  • Beer Department: High ABV Beer

    Since Ohio has recently repealed an asinine law that limited the alcohol content of all beer made or sold in Ohio to 12% alcohol by volume (ABV), our shelves have rapidly begun filling up with potent options. As customers begin exploring these bold new frontiers, I thought it would be a good time for a little insight into alcohol.

    The alcohol we consume in beverages is ethyl alcohol. It is produced as a metabolic end-product in beer when beer yeast (typically Saccharomyces Cerivisiae) consumes the maltose sugars in malted grain and creates carbon dioxide,

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  • Beer Department: Wet Hopping

    ​As fall descends upon us, one of my favorite beer happenings of the year also takes shape – the perennial specter of the fleeting and tantalizingly delicious wet hopped beer. If you trust me, and you should, you can stop reading now and set about drinking as many wet hopped beers as you can. For those who need further insight, please read on. In the beer world, lots of turns-of-phrase and mumbo jumbo get tossed around by marketing folks without much to substantiate them. Read article
  • Cincy Beer Brats – Beer and Brats, A Match Made in Heaven?

    We’re excited to welcome a new arrival – not just to Cincinnati, but to Jungle Jim’s! Tony Lang founded his company – Cincy Beer Brats – when he combined his passion for beer and, well, brats. Brats, short for bratwurst, are a long-held German traditional meet and have, of course, become not just a Cincinnati staple, but a staple of cookouts and celebrations around the country.

    In creating his beer-infused brats, Lang works with only local brewers such as Madtree Brewing,

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