  • Where The Wild Things Are

    • Posted: 9/3/2017
    • Categories: Wine

    There is a place I like to go from time to time when I want to slow down the pace of the day-to-day, simplify and just reset this old machine.  The town is Yellow Springs, Ohio, and I discovered it in the fourth grade, on a school camping trip to a place called Glen Helen Nature Preserve.  For those of you that really know me, camping is not something I do (I am most certainly lousy at it), Read article
  • Yes Virginia There Is Such Thing As A Grape Tree

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    • Categories: Wine

    Most people don’t realize I am a poet.  It’s not like that is a glorious vocation in high demand or anything, and I most assuredly will never get rich writing poetry, but it is yet another notch on the overly-elongated nerd belt I wear to work each and every day.  A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away, I wrote a poem about the big, unkempt grape vine that resided in the back corner of my house growing up in Beavercreek, Read article
  • Theise Is The Word…And Other Fizzy Hits

    • Posted: 9/2/2017
    • Categories: Wine

    Whenever we get the invite to a Terry Theise portfolio tasting, you know we are already on the way there.  Terry Theise is synonymous with incredible German and Austrian wines, as well as some of the best grower Champagnes known to man, and Vintner Select hosted their most recent event – a sparkling wine show – feature many of the Theise Champagne offerings as well as other great sparkling wines from Loire, Italy, Spain and much much more.

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  • Trocken Rhymes With Dokken

    • Posted: 9/1/2017
    • Categories: Wine

    What is weirdest to me is the extraordinary level of serendipity that has occurred in my life with regards to my professional life.  It feels like all roads have led to this place, this moment.  I worked at a trucking company about 30 years ago (Holy Peter Paul and Mary I feel old!) – I joke with my bosses, who else can claim they were a loadmaster on their resumé (and commence jokes here).

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  • Wine Department: One Month Removed – Our First Jungle Jim’s Wine Safari

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    • Categories: Wine
    After a very successful journey to the Willamette Valley, I would like to reflect on some of the better stops along the way. We toured 14 wineries in 5 days in a whirlwind tour of the valley.  The trip was divided up by four of the sub AVA’s of the Willamette Valley. Each of the regions grow primarily the same varietals, but terroir gives each its own flair. The Willamette Valley boasts the best Burgundian-style wine outside of France. Read article
  • Life Is A Circular Motion

    • Posted: 8/28/2017
    • Categories: Wine

    I get ahead of myself sometimes. I’ve got a story to tell you, I say to myself, when what I really should be doing is laying back, quietly, listening to the story unfolding before me. We all get like that sometimes, we all have a story to share, sometimes at the expense of the story being shared with us. A little Monday morning profundity I admit, but what got me here was thinking about this post,

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  • Ride Baby Ride Around In Limousines

    • Posted: 8/27/2017
    • Categories: Wine

    My first real introduction to Opus One was back in my restaurant days when I was a manager at a country club in Dayton, OH. You see the label and – as a novice – think that’s really expensive, so that means it’s good, right? I’d see it on our wine list, and in the wine fridges, and think, wonder if this is any good. At another country club I worked at, I had a table of 6 people go through something like 8 or 9 bottles of the stuff –

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  • Let It All Go And Cue The Don Ho

    • Posted: 8/26/2017
    • Categories: Wine

    ​There is always the conundrum whenever a customer asks, “do you have any good, cheap Champagne?”  The nerd in me wants simply to blurt out: “no” and walk away like it is some Live-on-National-TV-mic-drop moment, but that’s not how you do customer service.  I don’t want to be Jack Black’s character in High Fidelity, but in a wine store.  That guy is a jerk.  

    So I take a deep breath, and fall into a kind of High School teacher tone,

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  • Somewhere Between “Holiday Road” and “Lived In Bars” (A Walla Walla Mixtape)

    • Posted: 8/25/2017
    • Categories: Wine

    Years ago, when I worked for somebody else, I went out to Washington State and as part of a big trade group, I stayed at the Four Seasons in Seattle.  Yeah, picture me at the Four Seasons.  Talk about forcing a drastic dip in their property value.


    I was pretty uptight in this environment.  Everywhere I went while I stayed there, I couldn’t help but have the Aerosmith song,

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  • Celebrating 10 Years, Our International Wine Festival Returns This November!

    ​A 10-year Anniversary is a big deal, and we couldn’t be more excited to celebrate 10 years of our International Wine Festival with you. Filled with wine from all over the world, bite size delicacies, charcuterie and more, our 2017 festival will be an intimate, elegant, and exciting two night event.

    Lively and vibrant, our International Wine Festival brings education and leisure together as we welcome those new to wine and connoisseurs alike to the Oscar Event Center.

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