  • Let’s Talk Salsa – This Year’s Weekend of Fire X Best Salsas, That Is…

    ​We’re still cooling off after this year’s 10th anniversary Weekend of Fire, but we want to make sure that both those of you who attended, and those who didn’t get a chance to check things out, can still get your hands on the best of the best (as voted by WOFX attendees). This week, we’re going to highlight the top 3 salsas!

    It’s almost time for non-stop holiday parties and celebrations, so we think bringing any one of these award-winning salsas along with you is going to kick things up a notch (and make you the hit of the party,

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  • Say Hello to Some New Faces at Weekend of Fire X!

    ​Just as much as this year’s Weekend of Fire – our 10th! – is about looking back, we’re excited to look forward, too. We’re always bringing new product into the Jungle, and when it comes to the world of spicy foods, there’s almost always something new enjoy! This week, we’re going to feature some of those new products right here – so look for them on the shelf and at this year’s Weekend of Fire X!  Read article
  • Revisit Past WOFi Winners as We Prepare to Celebrate Weekend of Fire X!

    With the announcement of Weekend of Fire X and our Weekend Warm-Up, we’re ready to showcase the best of the best by re-sharing WOFi Award winners from years past. The list is long, varied, and just as storied as the festival itself. We’re proud to be the Midwest’s largest Fiery Food show 10 years running now, and are already looking for to many, many more. 

    Papi Joe’s Tennessee Pepper Sauce – A regular winner at Weekend of Fire,

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