Your Guide to the Regional Cuisines of India
- Posted: 9/27/2019
- Categories: Discoveries at the Jungle, International
Comments Off on Your Guide to the Regional Cuisines of IndiaHistorians believe that people arrived in India over 55,000 years ago, making India one of the oldest human civilizations in the world. This long history, combined with the fact that India currently has a population of over 1.2 billion, means that India is home to a huge diversity of language, food, and culture! The various cuisines of India can be largely separated into four areas: North, South, East, and West. Keep reading to learn about the unique (and delicious!) foods from each of these regions!
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Mid-Autumn Festival
- Posted: 9/12/2019
- Categories: International
Comments Off on Mid-Autumn FestivalTraditionally observed at the end of the harvest season, the Mid-Autumn Festival is a Chinese holiday that is celebrated to honor the moon and the harvest. Also called the Harvest Moon Festival, the holiday is the second most important festival in China and is a time for family reunions. It’s been celebrated for over 1,000 years, though some believe it is as old as 3,000 years. Either way, it’s an ancient holiday that has been observed for countless generations and has great meaning to those who celebrate.
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Your Guide to the Cincinnati Oktoberfest Season
- Posted: 8/23/2019
- Categories: Discoveries at the Jungle, International
Comments Off on Your Guide to the Cincinnati Oktoberfest SeasonIt’s that time of the year again! Summer is coming to a close (even though it’s still miserably hot outside), and it’s time for a new era of 2019! If you’re a Cincinnati native, you’re probably well aware of the season that is now upon us. It’s time for Oktoberfest, the wonderful Cincinnatian German-American mash-up that glorifies beer-drinking, exalts the humble Cincinnati mettwurst to sky-high adulation, and compels normally boring adults to run amok with chickens and weiner dogs perched upon their heads!
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Barbecuing Around the World
- Posted: 8/1/2019
- Categories: Discoveries at the Jungle, International
Comments Off on Barbecuing Around the WorldBarbecueBarbecue is an American staple, but cultures around the world have their own ways of cooking a great cut of meat. The one thing they have in common? They’re all delicious! This summer, add an international flair to your summer cookouts and learn more about international barbecuing styles with Discoveries at the Jungle Barbecue.
Tandoori | IndiaA tandoor is a tall, cylindrical clay oven that is used throughout the Middle East,
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Get Egg-cited for Spring with a Jungle Jim’s Egg Hunt
- Posted: 4/12/2019
- Categories: International
Comments Off on Get Egg-cited for Spring with a Jungle Jim’s Egg HuntQuail eggs are tiny white eggs with brown speckles that are full of important nutrients. Interestingly, these eggs have a larger yolk and a smaller egg white, which gives them more flavor. Some describe the flavor of quail eggs as “gamey,” but most people like the taste. As with anything, it’s important to consume quail eggs in moderation because the larger yolk-to-white ratio does mean that they are slightly higher in cholesterol than chicken eggs.
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So, You Think You Know Wasabi? Think Again!
- Posted: 3/8/2019
- Categories: International, Produce
Comments Off on So, You Think You Know Wasabi? Think Again!So, you think you know wasabi? Most wasabi paste you see on the shelves isn’t even wasabi at all. In fact, you’d be lucky to find more than 1% of real wasabi powder in the ingredients. Most of what we consume in the U.S. is a green horseradish paste meant to mimic the bite of real wasabi.
True wasabi comes from a leafy, green plant that requires full shade and an abundance of water.
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Cajun or Creole? What’s the Difference?
- Posted: 2/22/2019
- Categories: Discoveries at the Jungle, International
Comments Off on Cajun or Creole? What’s the Difference?Cajun or Creole. Do you know the difference? Though both of these cultures are present in Louisiana, they are two separate and distinct groups of peoples.
Cajun people are actually descended from French Canadians who lived in Acadia, a broad area along North America’s eastern coast that now consists of Maine, Quebec, New Brunswick, and Nova Scotia. This area was colonized by French settlers, but they clashed with British armies beginning in the early 1700s.
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Romantic Valentine’s Day Gifts with Jungle Jim’s Twists
- Posted: 2/11/2019
- Categories: International
Comments Off on Romantic Valentine’s Day Gifts with Jungle Jim’s TwistsGrocery shopping may not seem romantic on the surface, but when you view the experience of grocery shopping as an act of partnership and cooperation, it becomes something for you and your loved ones to enjoy together. When you grocery shop together, you’re actively spending time planning your lives for the next week, building a home around the meals that you make together for your family, and, if you’re shopping at Jungle Jim’s, you’re having fun doing it!
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What Kind of Jungle Jim’s Shopper Are You?
- Posted: 1/21/2019
- Categories: International
It is said that the zodiac year in which you are born can predict your character traits, temperament, and compatibility with others. So, what does it say about your shopping habits? We’ve had some fun coming up with our best predictions for what kind of Jungle Jim’s shopper you are (or will be!) based on your zodiac sign!
According to legend, the Jade Emperor needed to choose 12 animals to serve as his palace guards.
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Vietnamese Milk Coffee
- Posted: 12/31/2018
- Categories: Discoveries at the Jungle, International
Comments Off on Vietnamese Milk CoffeeIf you’ve ever tried Vietnamese coffee, called cà phê sữa, the mere mention of this delicately-crafted, decadent drink will likely induce an immediate, mouth-watering craving. The drink is unforgettable. The subtle sweetness, the indulgent creaminess, and the intense, yet smooth, flavor of the coffee blend together to create an exquisite, unparalleled drink. Once you try Vietnamese-style milk coffee, you’ll probably never want to go back.
For Discoveries at the Jungle Vietnam, we’ve delved deep into the world of cà phê sữa and we’re excited to share our discoveries with you!
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