  • Discoveries at the Jungle: Mustard

    Mustard. The quintessential American condiment. We use it on hot dogs at the ballpark, drizzle it over hamburgers in our backyard cookouts, and most of us keep a squeeze bottle in the fridge for sticky situations, like when the delivery guy forgets to include our favorite sauce. Mustard is the second most-used spice in the United States, trailing just behind peppercorn, and it’s clear that America loves mustard. At Jungle Jim’s International Market, we share that love.

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  • Discoveries at the Jungle Mustard: The Seeds and Powder


    Check out all of our Discover Mustard posts this month!

    Discoveries at the Jungle: Mustard

    Discoveries at the Jungle: Mustards for Hot Dogs, Brats, and Sandwiches

    Discoveries at the Jungle: French-style Mustards

    Discoveries at the Jungle: Hot Mustards

    Discoveries at the Jungle Mustard: The Relishes



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  • Discoveries at the Jungle: Mustards for Hot Dogs, Brats, and Sandwiches


    Check out all of our Discover Mustard posts this month!

    Discoveries at the Jungle: Mustard

    Discoveries at the Jungle Mustard: The Seeds and Powder

    Discoveries at the Jungle: French-style Mustards

    Discoveries at the Jungle: Hot Mustards

    Discoveries at the Jungle Mustard: The Relishes



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  • Discoveries at the Jungle: French-style Mustards


    Check out all of our Discover Mustard posts this month!

    Discoveries at the Jungle: Mustard

    Discoveries at the Jungle Mustard: The Seeds and Powder

    Discoveries at the Jungle: Mustards for Hot Dogs, Brats, and Sandwiches

    Discoveries at the Jungle: Hot Mustards

    Discoveries at the Jungle Mustard: The Relishes



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  • Discoveries at the Jungle: Hot Mustards

    Check out all of our Discover Mustard posts this month!

    Discoveries at the Jungle: Mustard

    Discoveries at the Jungle Mustard: The Seeds and Powder

    Discoveries at the Jungle: Mustards for Hot Dogs, Brats, and Sandwiches

    Discoveries at the Jungle: French-style Mustards

    Discoveries at the Jungle Mustard: The Relishes



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  • Discoveries at the Jungle Mustard: The Relishes


    Check out all of our Discover Mustard posts this month!

    Discoveries at the Jungle: Mustard

    Discoveries at the Jungle Mustard: The Seeds and Powder

    Discoveries at the Jungle: Mustards for Hot Dogs, Brats, and Sandwiches

    Discoveries at the Jungle: French-style Mustards

    Discoveries at the Jungle: Hot Mustards

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  • Discoveries at the Jungle: Ginger

    Ginger is a widely used food with a rich culinary history. Its variety of uses has made it a staple food in many cultures, and it makes a great addition to sweet desserts, savory foods, salad dressings, teas, and much more. It’s also known for its multitude of health benefits, especially when it comes to digestive health. Ginger has long been used to treat upset stomachs, help with nausea, and aid in digestion. Many others have found that ginger helps with weight loss by stimulating the metabolism,

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  • Discoveries at the Jungle: Cooking with Ginger, The Real Deal

    Did you know? Ginger is actually a rhizome, not a root. A rhizome is the underground stem of the plant.


    Try cooking with raw ginger with this recipe for Pineapple Ginger Chicken!

    Did you know? As part of the spice trade, ginger shaped history. The spice trade, and their exclusion from it, motivated European countries to set sail for the Americas.

    Did you know? Ginger plants can grow as high as four feet!

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  • Discoveries at the Jungle: Cooking with Ginger, Flavored Marinades and Sauces

    Did you know? There are over 1,000 species of ginger.

    Did you know? The Chinese philosopher Confucius wrote about ginger and its impact on digestion.

    Did you know? Ginger is related to the spices cardamom and turmeric. Ginger and cardamom make a great dessert flavor!

    Check out our featured ginger posts this month!

    Discoveries at the Jungle: Ginger

    Discoveries at the Jungle: Cooking with Ginger,

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  • Discoveries at the Jungle: Ginger Snacks

    Did you know? It is a long-held belief that spices have a warming effect. That’s why gingerbread is popular in the winter!

    Did you know? Queen Elizabeth I is credited with inventing the gingerbread man. Allegedly, she had the cookies baked in the shapes of visiting dignitaries and served them at a banquet!

    Did you know? Crystallized ginger is made by cooking ginger in sugar until it crystallizes.

    Did you know?

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