Holidays At The Jungle
Discoveries at the Jungle Oktoberfest Edition: Gerolstiner Mineral Waters and Dallmayr Coffee
- Posted: 9/15/2017
- Categories: Discoveries at the Jungle
Comments Off on Discoveries at the Jungle Oktoberfest Edition: Gerolstiner Mineral Waters and Dallmayr CoffeeOktoberfest has a rich history dating back to 1810, when Crown Prince Ludwig married Princess Teresa of Sassonia-Hildburghausen. They invited all of the citizens of Munich to attend the celebration, which was held in the fields in front of the city gate. From that year on it became an annual celebration, which then evolved into the Oktoberfest that we know today.
Now, Oktoberfest is celebrated around the world. Coincidentally, Cincinnati actually hosts the second largest Oktoberfest second only to Munich itself!
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Discoveries at the Jungle Oktoberfest Edition: Bechtle Noodles and Hans Freitag Cookies
- Posted: 9/13/2017
- Categories: Discoveries at the Jungle
Comments Off on Discoveries at the Jungle Oktoberfest Edition: Bechtle Noodles and Hans Freitag CookiesOktoberfest has a rich history dating back to 1810, when Crown Prince Ludwig married Princess Teresa of Sassonia-Hildburghausen. They invited all of the citizens of Munich to attend the celebration, which was held in the fields in front of the city gate. From that year on it became an annual celebration, which then evolved into the Oktoberfest that we know today.
Now, Oktoberfest is celebrated around the world. Coincidentally, Cincinnati actually hosts the second largest Oktoberfest second only to Munich itself!
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Discoveries at the Jungle Oktoberfest Edition: Hengstenberg Mustards and Lorenz Snacks
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- Categories: Discoveries at the Jungle
Comments Off on Discoveries at the Jungle Oktoberfest Edition: Hengstenberg Mustards and Lorenz SnacksOktoberfest has a rich history dating back to 1810, when Crown Prince Ludwig married Princess Teresa of Sassonia-Hildburghausen. They invited all of the citizens of Munich to attend the celebration, which was held in the fields in front of the city gate. From that year on it became an annual celebration, which then evolved into the Oktoberfest that we know today.
Now, Oktoberfest is celebrated around the world. Coincidentally, Cincinnati actually hosts the second largest Oktoberfest second only to Munich itself!
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Discoveries at the Jungle Oktoberfest Edition: Zeisner Curry Ketchup and Kuhne Pickles and Sauerkraut
- Posted: 9/11/2017
- Categories: Discoveries at the Jungle
Comments Off on Discoveries at the Jungle Oktoberfest Edition: Zeisner Curry Ketchup and Kuhne Pickles and SauerkrautBoasting more than a dozen herbs, this “spicy and fruity” ketchup is aromatic and flavorful – especially compared to many U.S. crafted ketchups. Perfect on American classics like hot dogs and hamburgers, Curry Ketchup will take your metts and brats to a whole new level of taste.
Where you can find these: Fairfield Location: Orange 19 // Eastgate Location: Yellow 6
Did you know?
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Discoveries at the Jungle Oktoberfest Edition: Meica Jarred Sausages and Ritter Chocolate Bars
- Posted: 9/8/2017
- Categories: Discoveries at the Jungle
Comments Off on Discoveries at the Jungle Oktoberfest Edition: Meica Jarred Sausages and Ritter Chocolate BarsOktoberfest has a rich history dating back to 1810, when Crown Prince Ludwig married Princess Teresa of Sassonia-Hildburghausen. They invited all of the citizens of Munich to attend the celebration, which was held in the fields in front of the city gate. From that year on it became an annual celebration, which then evolved into the Oktoberfest that we know today.
Now, Oktoberfest is celebrated around the world. Coincidentally, Cincinnati actually hosts the second largest Oktoberfest second only to Munich itself!
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Discoveries at the Jungle: Oktoberfest Edition!
- Posted: 9/5/2017
- Categories: Discoveries at the Jungle
Comments Off on Discoveries at the Jungle: Oktoberfest Edition!Welcome to Discoveries at the Jungle, where each month we’ll take a look at some of the most interesting, flavorful and sometimes bizarre international items Jungle Jim’s has to offer. This month, we’re featuring items from Germany in celebration of Oktoberfest! Some past focuses this year have been coffee, tea, snacks, pasta, candy, cookies, condiments, and more! If you missed those posts, make sure you go back and give them a read.
Oktoberfest has a rich history dating back to 1810,
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Beer Department: Get to a know a style: Oktoberfest/Marzen
- Posted: 8/30/2017
- Categories: Craft Beer
Comments Off on Beer Department: Get to a know a style: Oktoberfest/MarzenThe first Oktoberfest Festival was held on the wiesn, or fairground, of Munich in 1810. At that time, the best historical data suggests that the festival beer of choice would’ve been Dunkel,
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Jungle Jim’s Thanks Those Who Made The Ultimate Sacrifice
- Posted: 5/29/2017
- Categories: Uncategorized
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This is a day of celebration, honoring, and mourning of all the fine men and women who have lost their lives serving in the United States military. Take a little time out of your day to pay your respects to the fallen, and keep the soldiers currently serving our country in your thoughts. Read article -
Play Ball!
- Posted: 4/3/2017
- Categories: Discoveries at the Jungle
Comments Off on Play Ball!Happy Opening Day one and all – it’s finally baseball season! We Cincinnatians celebrate this day like it’s a national holiday and for good reason: the Cincinnati Reds are the oldest team in professional baseball, so it’s in our blood. Since the 1800’s we have kicked off the national baseball season with the annual Findlay Market opening day parade filled with festivities all over the city.
Jungle Jim’s Celebrates The “Real”
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Happy St. Patrick’s Day From The Jungle!
- Posted: 3/17/2017
- Categories: Discoveries at the Jungle
Comments Off on Happy St. Patrick’s Day From The Jungle!Who is Saint Patrick?
The reason we celebrate St. Patrick’s Day on March 17 is that it’s the day Saint Patrick passed away, sometime during 385-461 AD. Patrick was a bishop in Ireland, Read article